Articole medicale din specializarea Obstetrică - ginecologie

Down syndrome :
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

1.Head and neck : -brachycephaly ; -epicanthic folds ; -flat nasal bridge ; -folded or dysplastic ears ; -small ears ; -open mouth ; -protruding tongue ; -narrow palate ; -abnormal teeth ; -short neck ; -excessive skin at nape of the neck ; 2.Extremities: -short broad hands; -hypoplastic middle phalanx of fifth finger ; -incurved fifth finger ; -sandal gap deformity ; -hyperflexibility of joints ; 3.Heart defects: -atrioventricular septal defect (endocardial cushion defect); -ventricular septal defect with or without other lesions ; -isolated secundum atrial septal def...

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie
Date ecografice in primul trimestru de sarcina
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

SA 5 ; Stadii Carnegie 6,7 ; Ecografie : implantare SA 6 ; Stadii Carnagie 8,9,10 ; Eco: inceputul circulatiei fetale ; SA 7 ; Stadii Carnagie 11,12,13,14 : Eco: separarea de sacul Yolk; SA 8 ; Stadii Carnagie 15,16,17,18 ; Eco: dominanta dezv. creierului ; SA 9 ; Stadii Carnagie 19, 20 ; Eco: completarea cardiogenezei si dezv.limbice; SA 10 ; Stadii Carnagie 21,22,23 ; Eco: completarea organogenezei Eco Vizualizare timpurie (SA) Vizualizare (SA) Cavitate corionica Ziua 30 (4S) Z 32 Sac Yolk Z32 (4S) Z34 Pol fetal Z35 (5S) Z37 Activitate cardiaca Z37 (5...

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie
Corpus Luteum of Pregnancy (CLP)
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

In the first trimester , the most common ovarian cyst associated with pregnancy is the CLP. The CLP secrets both estrogen and progesterone to support the pregnancy until the placenta can take over this hormonal function near the end of the first trimester . The CLP forms after ovulation and increases in size if a pregnancy occurs. Ultrasound/Doppler - CLPs exhibit a gamut of sonographic patterns ranging from a simple cyst pattern to more complex patterns including diffuse internal low-amplitude echoes , layered echoes , single or multiple thin septations . It is not possible to distinguish ...

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie
Confirming Ovulation
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

Sonography does appear to be very reliable in confirming ovulation once ovulation has occurred . Disappearance of the follicle is noted in 91 % of cases after ovulation and a decrease in follicle size occurs in another 9% . Other signs suggesting that ovulation has occurred are the appearance of cu;-de-sac fluid , particularly when it was not present in a previous scan , or the development of intrafollicular echoes suggesting the formation of a hemorrhagic corpus luteum .

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie
Condylomata ( Genital Warts ; HPV ) :
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

-Caused by HPV infection of sexually transmitted double-stranded DNA viruses , typically by low-risk types 6 , 11 ; -Incubation period after exposure ranges from 3 weeks to 8 months ; -Most infections are transiet and cleared within 2 years ; -Viral strains that cause condyloma do not cause cancer ; -May enlarge during pregnancy . -Usually detected at the time of a Pap smear ; Tests: -Pelvic exam ; -Cervical cytology ; -Colposcopy and biopsy to assess for premalignant lesions (dysplasia) ; Labs: -Biopsy specimens at colposcopy ; -HPV viral subtyping as an adjunct to Pap testing...

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie
Common Features of Infections Producing Infertility
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

Infertility is presumably underestimated because diagnostic involves a specialist. A review of the literature reveals that 60 to 80 million couples experience infertility worldwide and by 2 million couples (15%) in the United States wherein infection is the major cause. Annual reports suggests an occurrence of 3 million lower genital tract infections yearly in the United Stated. 30% of these infections cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and that at least 20% result in infertility. Portals of entry for these infections that are usually STDs , include genitalia , urinary meatus , mouth...

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie
Common Causes of Infertility :
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

Female: 1.Ovulatory dysfunction factors : -Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) ; -Age greater than 35 (increases the chance of decreased ovulation) ; -Hyperprolactinemia ; -Excessive exercise or dieting; -Drug or alcohol abuse; -Obesity ; 2.Tubal or pelvic pathology factors: -Pelvic adhesions; -Hydrosalpinx; -Blocked fallopian tubes; -Endometriosis ; 3.Other causes: -Cervical factors : abdormal cervical mucus , prior cervical surgery ; -Intrauterine fibroids or congenital abnormalities; -Immunologic antibody mediated sperm damage; -Hyper or hypothyroidism; -Intrauterine ad...

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie
Choroid Plexus Cysts
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

Choroid Plexus Cysts are a well-known ultrasound aneuploidy marker and are easily detectable at second-trimester ultrasound examination , showing an incidence in euploid fetus close to 1 percent and a positive predictive value of 1 to 6 percent . The association with other fetal anomalities , their bilateralism , a diameter bigger than 10 mm and their persistence after 22 to 24 weeks have been classical indication for cytogenetic fetal study. A prospective study of advanced age women found that if fetal CPCs appear to be isolated , genetic amniocentesis is not mandatory and additional risk fac...

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

Risks/Benefits: 1.Risks: -infection; -injury to maternal tissues and internal organs; -injury to fetus at delivery; -need for application of vacuum or forceps to expedite delivery in cesarean section; -10% of patients undergoing emergent CD require transfusion due to severe maternal hemorrhage; -risks of transfusion reactions and acquired infections from blood products; -risk of hysterectomy for intractable uterine hemorrhage; -risk from administration of aneathesia; 2.Benefits: -decrease in short- and long-term morbidity; -in cases of severe maternal hemorrhage , maternal morbid...

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie
Cesarean Delivery , Emergency : Risks/Benefits
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

Risks/Benefits: 1.Risks: -infection; -injury to maternal tissues and internal organs; -injury to fetus at delivery; -need for application of vacuum or forceps to expedite delivery in cesarean section; -10% of patients undergoing emergent CD require transfusion due to severe maternal hemorrhage; -risks of transfusion reactions and acquired infections from blood products; -risk of hysterectomy for intractable uterine hemorrhage; -risk from administration of aneathesia; 2.Benefits: -decrease in short- and long-term morbidity; -in cases of severe maternal hemorrhage , maternal morbid...

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie