Articole medicale din specializarea Obstetrică - ginecologie

Abnormal sperm parameters
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

1)Necrozoospermia:patients who occasionally may present 100% immotile sperms.Causes:infections (E.coli chronic prostatitis or immobilizing antisperm antibodies). Absolute necrozoospermia (when all sperms are dead) : in case of axonemel defects such as immotile cilia syndrome. 2)Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia: The cause is unknown. Causes of aspermia: -anejaculation due to spasm (functional); -obstruction to ejaculatory ducts; -retrograde ejaculation; -nocturnal emissions; -vibratory/electroejaculatory sample; -prostatic massage; -retrograde ejaculation-retrieval of sperm...

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie
A week-by-week pregnancy calendar
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

Embryonic phase: Week 1 : the average crown length is 0.5mm; Week 2 : the average crown length is 2 mm ; Week 3 : the average crown length is 3 mm ; Week 4 : the average crown length is 4 mm and the average weight of foetus is 0.4 g ; Seven days after ovulation, the fertilized egg gradually implants itself in the uterus . By the 10th day , the embryo appears . Its inner cells form two, and later , three layers . The first grows into the skin , eyes , brain and nerve centre ; the second , the foetal digestive organs and the lungs ; while the third , its blood , muscles , heart and bones . ...

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie
6-8 weeks screening
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

-Risk profile ; -Height/weight ; -OB H&P ; -Blood preasure ; -Breast exam.; -PAP smear ; -Hemoglobin/hematocrit ; -Rubella/varicella; -HBV S Ag/RPR ; -HIV; -ABO/Rh/Ab; -Urine culture; -Domestic abuse screening . Dr.Cosmina Brümmer Johannesburg,South Africa

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie