Dr. Brümmer Le Roux Cosmina

Obstetrică - ginecologie

Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

Common Causes of Infertility :

1.Ovulatory dysfunction factors :
-Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) ;
-Age greater than 35 (increases the chance of decreased ovulation) ;
-Hyperprolactinemia ;
-Excessive exercise or dieting;
-Drug or alcohol abuse;
-Obesity ;

2.Tubal or pelvic pathology factors:
-Pelvic adhesions;
-Blocked fallopian tubes;
-Endometriosis ;

3.Other causes:
-Cervical factors : abdormal cervical mucus , prior cervical surgery ;
-Intrauterine fibroids or congenital abnormalities;
-Immunologic antibody mediated sperm damage;
-Hyper or hypothyroidism;
-Intrauterine adhesions.

4.Unexplained infertility factors.

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