Dr. Popescu Nicolae

Medicină de familie

Drobeta Turnu Severin, Policlinica Sanatatea


 Unitatea psyche-soma-underlined antiquity (Hipocrates)
 Century philosophers-XVII-Descartes,Spinoza,Leibniz mind body relationship(dualism)
 Johann Christian Heinroth(1773,1843)-inventor of the term ,,psychosomatic,,
 1843, Cabanis-relations betwween the physical and moral
 1885, Freud - courts personality,levels of awareness of mental processes,stages of instinctual development,transfer,,psychoanalysis
 1892, Fere - pathology emotions
 1899, Pavlov - concussion influence on psysiological processes,conditioned reflexes
 1912, Adler - locus minoris resistentiae
 1922, Deutsch - organ neuroses
 1938 ,1939 , Odobleja Stefan - Psychology Consonantiste
 1943, Fl. Dumbar - specific personality profiles for each BPS
 1946,Selye - General Adaptation Syndrome
 1950,Alexander - specific conflict
 1955, EY- organ neurosis and psychosomatic medicine
 1956, Silva - psychosomatic medicine
 1956, Kaplan - psychosomatic medicine,the importance of psychological factors in medicine
 1957, Hinkle, Wolff - environmental factors = role
 1959,Grinker și Robbinns - psychosomatic clinic
 1963, Von Uexkull - differentiation of conversion disorder
 1963, Marty, M’ Uzan - thinking operative
 1964, Tzank -general practice/family medicine (MG/MF) is a true psychosomatic medicine (63)
 1965, Klotz - Psychosomatic Medicine is the most elaborate MG/MF (63)
 1966, Schafer - sociopsihosomatica
 1969, Scheneider - Medical Psychology
 1973, Sifneos, Nemiah - alexithymia
 1974, Bateson - general systems theory
 1979, Von Eieff - neurogenic hypertension
 1981, 1985, Locke, Besedovsky - SP involvement in the functioning of the immune system (psychoneuroimmunology)

Adapted from: Dr. Diaconescu L., quoted by I.B.Iamandescu (1999): Elements of General and Applied psychosomatic, Ed Infomedia,Bucharest, p.p.2-3.

dr.Nicolae Popescu