Dr. Brümmer Le Roux Cosmina

Obstetrică - ginecologie

Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

Menopause - General Measures

-Maintain healthy weight ;
-Nutrition variety of food in moderate protions ;
-Exercise , stay fit , keep muscle tone ( Kegel exercise , posture exercise ) ;
-Regular sexual activity is important to patients ;
-Moisturizers and lubricants as needed for vaginal and sexual comfort . Avoid soap . Avoid fabric softener and anti-cling products on underwear .
-Calcium 500-600 mg b.i.d.,and vitamin D 400 IU/d , 600 IU/d if >70 years old .
-Layered clothing allows accommodation to changes in ambient temperature for hot-flash control .
-Avoid identified hot-flash triggers : Down comforters , thermal blankets , hot spicy foods , alcohol , emotional and stressful situations , bright lights .
-good sleep hygiene : Consistent sleep hours every day ; avoid caffeine , alcohol , chocolate , getting too warm at night .