Dr. Brümmer Le Roux Cosmina

Obstetrică - ginecologie

Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

Toxoplasmosis , other viruses , rubella , cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus .

Toxoplasmosis is seen in 1/3 of females exposed by undercooked meat or cat feces . So , avoid contaminated meat , unwashed fruit/vegetables , unpasteurized cheese , cat feces .
Risks : US demonstrates dilated ventricles , pericardial effusions , echogenic bowel , calcifications in brain .
Rate of transmission :
-first trimester is 25% ;
-second trimester is 54% ;
-third trimester is 75 % .

Rubella : if exposed at least than 11 weeks’ gestation , risk to infant is 90% .
-11-12 weeks : 33% ;
-13-14 weeks :11% ;
- > 16 weeks : 0% .

Cytomegalovirus :
Risks : microcalcifications , microcephaly , MR , IUGR and microcephaly , decreased platelets.

Herpes :
Greatest risk to fetus is during primary infection at SVD : 40% .
During recurrent infection , infants only are infected <1% .

Varicella-Zoster :
Greatest risk on congenital varicella is between 13-20 weeks . No clinical risk after 20 weeks .