Articole medicale din specializarea Obstetrică - ginecologie

Reccurent Pregnancy Loss (RPL)
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

To rule out antiphospholipid syndrome: 1.Anticardiolipin antibodies a. Ig G (0-15 GPL) - better predictor of fetal outcome; b. Ig M (0-15 MPL) ; c. Ig A ; Positive in medium or higher titer or >= 2 occasions six weeks apart; 2.Lupus anticoagulant ; Sample must be taken uncuffed and to be centrifuged within 1 hour a. dRVVT ( dilute Russel Viper venom test); b. Activated partial thrombin time ; c. Kaolin coagulation time. A panel of assays should be done ; If single test is to be done , it should be dRVVT. Thrombotic complications are more with lupus anticoagulant positive than patien...

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie
Reasons to store cord blood:
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

-Is a unique opportunity to impove future health of your family; -Process is simple and noninvasive, takes about 3 minutes and do not represent any risk to mother or fetus; -Rich blood is bet on stem cells extracted from one gram of umbilical cord blood contains 10 times more than peripheral blood hematopoietic cells; -Cord stem cells can convert and transform bet on other cells (ex.: erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, neuronal cells); Such stem cells, were transplanted successfully bet on when over 70 known diseases, including leukemia and immune system dysfunction; -Collected blood ma...

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie
Prolactin Related Infertility
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

Hyperprolactinemia Prolactin - The Hormone Prolactin is a protein (197-199 amino acids) product of the anterior pituitary . Chemically similar to growth hormone and human placental lactogen . A single gene located on chromosome 5 encodes it for prolactin synthesis and function . Three types of prolactin have been identified based on differences in size and structural modifications that are the result of glycosylation , phosphorylation , additions and deletions-little , big and big big prolactin . Little prolactin has more biological activity than the bigger forms . Sites of Secretion...

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie
Pozitii confortabile pentru gravide
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

Pe parcurs ce sarcina avanseaza , abdomenul se mareste iar statul pe scaun sau pozitiile care erau pana nu demult confortabile vor deveni incomode . Nu este recomandat sa stai intinsa pe spate , chiar si pentru scurt timp , intrucat greutatea uterului gravid apasa vasele sanguine importante aflate in pelvis . Apare disconfortul si ameteala datorate scaderii presiunii arteriale si pot sa agraveze manifestarile hemoroizilor . Recomandari: Cand stai in pozitie intinsa : Stai pe o parte (preferabil : pozitia stanga ) cu bratul si piciorul de deasupra indoite , iar cu celalalt brat intins p...

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie
Ovary in Anovulatory Cycles
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

In an anovulatory cycle , ultrasound imaging of the ovaries will reveal either a lack of any follicular development , particularly in the hypogonadotropic hypogonadal patient with type I or a few non ovulatory (less than 11mm) follicles . A dominant follicle larger than 16mm in diameter will not develop . A cyst may also be associated with anovulation. Anovulation with PCOD will often have enlarged ovaries greater than 8 cm3 in volume with multiple small subcapsular follicles less than 10mm in diameter . Normal sized ovaries do not rule out PCOD. Anovulation can be diagnosed when serial scans...

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie
Ovarian Malignancy : Routine Investigations & Specific Investigations :
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

Routine Investigations : 1.Hemogram , Blood group; 2.Liver function tests; 3.Kidney function tests; 4.Fasting and postprandial blood sugars; 5.Urine - routine/microscopy; 6.X-Ray chest (PA view); 7.ECG. Specific Investigations: 1.Tumor markers CA-125 >35 UI/l in epithelial tumors; CEA AFP - Increased in embryonal carcinoma and endodermal sinus tumor; HCG - Increased in choriocarcinoma; PLAP,LDH - Increased in dysgerminoma Inhibin B - Increased in granulose cell tumor 2.USG and USG guided FNAC; 3.Contrast enhanced CT scan; 4.Intravenous pyelography (I...

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

It is the most important complication of ovarian stimulation treatments used in the ovariana.El stimulation techniques are characterized by the ovaries increase in size due to increased vascular permeability. Grade I (mild hyperstimulation) , Abdominal discomfort; -Increase in size of ovaries observed ultrasound, diameter up to 5x5cm; multiple follicles and cysts of body yellow; -Oestradiol over 3.000pg/ml; over 30pg/ml progesterone in early luteal phase; -Urinary estrogen is over 150mg/24 hours pregnanediol over 10mg / 24 hours; Grade II (moderate hyperstimulation) , Abdominal discomfo...

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie
Motive de a stoca sânge din cordonul ombilical:
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

-este o ocazie unică de a È‹ncerca È‹mbunătățirea sănătății viitoare a familiei tale; -procedeul este simplu și neinvaziv , durează aproximativ 3 minute și nu reprezintă vreun risc pentru mamă sau făt; -sângele este bogat È‹n celule stem , un gram de sânge recoltat din cordonul ombilical conține de 10 ori mai multe celule hematopoetice decât sângele periferic; -celulele stem din cordonul ombilical se pot converti și transforma È‹n alt tip de celule (ex: hematii,leucocite,trombocite,celule neuronale); -astfel de celule stem au fost transplantate cu succes È‹n cazul a peste 70 boli cunoscute...

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie
Menopause - General Measures
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

-Maintain healthy weight ; -Nutrition variety of food in moderate protions ; -Exercise , stay fit , keep muscle tone ( Kegel exercise , posture exercise ) ; -Regular sexual activity is important to patients ; -Moisturizers and lubricants as needed for vaginal and sexual comfort . Avoid soap . Avoid fabric softener and anti-cling products on underwear . -Calcium 500-600 mg b.i.d.,and vitamin D 400 IU/d , 600 IU/d if >70 years old . -Layered clothing allows accommodation to changes in ambient temperature for hot-flash control . -Avoid identified hot-flash triggers : Down comforters , the...

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie
Male Infertility-Genetic Screening
Dr. Cosmina Brümmer Le Roux
Obstetrică - ginecologie Râmnicu Vâlcea, Apogeu

Genetic abnormalities may cause infertility by affecting sperm production and/or transport.The three most common genetic factors known to be related to male infertility are cystic fibrosis gene mutations associated with CBAVD , chromosomial abnormalities resulting in impaired testicular function , and Y-chromosome microdeletions associated with impaired spermatogenesis.Azoospermia and severe oligospermia (sperm concentration < 5 million/mL) are more often associated with genetic abnormalities.Men with nonobstructive azoospermia and severe oligospermia should be informed that they might have c...

Specializarea: Obstetrică - ginecologie